Finding your way just got easier and more rewarding!

Leadership Coaching that is right for you

and your Team

  • Collaborative Coaching

    Team Builder Coaching

    Set yourself up to get that next promotion. Become the person who others are asking to work together with. Learn how to make working with others easier, especially when they don’t see things how you do. Get your bosses to give you what you need so that you can do the job right the first time.

    With Terry’s Coaching, you can become the Team Builder your organization has been waiting for!

    Are you ready to set yourself up to succeed?

  • Team Leadership Coaching

    Team Leadership Coaching

    Learn to understand your strengths and how to use them to get your team to follow you enthusiastically. Be the leader whose team is motivated to get the right things done, and doesn’t get distracted by what isn’t relevant. Understand the skills that will set you free from chasing tasks that need to be completed.

    As a Collaborative Coach Terry coaches leaders to get reliable work done right the first time from your teams. Are you ready to stop chasing people on unfinished tasks?

  • Custom Team Coach

    Custom Team Coaching

    You are unique, and so is Your Team! Your Team deserves coaching Your Way. Whatever you are building, whatever stands in your way, Terry’s Coaching and Training will set you up to succeed in the ways most important to you. Let us custom design a program cut to measure for your needs.

    As a Collaborative Coach, Terry loves getting you in synergy with your team!

    His guiding light in each moment of coaching is “What do I get to be for and with this client, in this moment?”

    What do you need your coach to be with and for you?

  • Worthiness Leadership Coaching

    Extraordinary Leadership Coaching

    When the pressure is on, learn how to relax and get more done! Understand how you perform your best at higher levels on projects of greater complexity. Let go of the feeling like you have to be the one juggling it all alone.

    Learn Radical Self Care Extraordinary Leaders use to let go of always feeling like “I should be somewhere else working on what’s going wrong there.”

    As a Leader, there are times you need everyone to put their hammers down so you can refocus your team. And there are times your team is already focused and you just need everyone to Put The Hammer Down and finish this project together.

    Learn how to clearly lead your team from one to the other like the Extraordinary Leader you are!

    Are you ready to build up your extraordinary Leadership?