Terry Speaks

  • Keynote

    You know that feeling of having too much on your plate, and yet somehow more keeps being added?? Learn to manage what’s on your plate by Building Teams that work together so well, they don’t need you looking over their shoulders. Let Terry’s talk on how to be a Team Builder inspire your people to work together better so your organization can grow without burning you out!

    Terry’s style is insightful, engaging, and inviting. He will show you how to make your people the most important part of what you do, so you can stop being a manager of problems.

    Are you ready to start taking things off your plate for a change?

  • Work Shop

    How often do you feel like you are the one who has to push this project, or this business uphill by yourself, everyday of the week? Let Terry engage your Teams, get them enrolled in your vision, and free you up to be a Team Builder instead of running from one project to the next, always putting out fires.

    Terry’s presence is engaging, understanding, and inviting. He will show your Teams how to engage with their role in your overall mission, so you can stop herding cats.

    Are you ready to set yourself free?

  • Retreat

    Too often you feel that no matter where you are, and what you are doing, that you SHOULD be somewhere else, getting a handle on what should be happening there. Are you ready to get away from it all and learn to love life again with inviting and invigorating learning! Meet a new version of you who shows up powerfully and has a lasting impact.

    Terry’s presence is engaging, understanding, and inviting. He will show your Teams how to engage with their role in your overall mission, so you can stop herding cats.

    Is this the right time for you to let go?

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Want to experience Terry Now?

Your people, your Team, are the most important part of your organization. Let Terry help you turn your Leaders into Team Builders with his Leadership A.C.T.ion formula so that talented team players are joining your team rather than going over to your competition.

Better Team Builders means a thriving culture, more of the right work getting done, and a growing business.

The easiest way to get started in building Teams that work together well is to book Terry to do a Lunch & Learn for your Team. Are you ready to stop stressing and start finding ease with your people?

  • Terry was the most prepared speaker in the room!

    George Haranji
    TEDx Producer